Sailaja vs nana

Sweetie Nana

Five of us:Me, MJ, Nicole, Nana, Sailaja
Changloon Full Ghospel Church Love from above
This was my first time to feel the Lord,feel the love from above. Its unforgettable experience for me. Since im very emo the days before, this programme really make me release from the depress emotion, wc sometime make me feel hopeless n oso helpless. At ther, i can meet friendly son n daughter of God. They really treat us very nice n super frindly. I felt the warm n bundle of love . my frustration n sadness dissappeared in sudden.
What Paster HJohn had said:
Love can make bitter become better
never wait for your Mr.right2 become ur somebody but let nobody become ur somebody
whatever u do to the god,lord still love u
praise the lord