★*"`’*-.,_,.-*’`"*-.,_☆,.-*`’`*"`’*-.,_,.-*’20th Nov 2010★`"*-.,_☆,.-*`’`*-.,_,.-*`’`*★-
The surprising thing was happened on me.
During this study week, we were studying almost every night at activity room.
Studying was a tiring & puzzled process so i felt berry tired.
Then, I slept on the half way & reminded him to awake me
after half an hour. While he awaken me, he 'surprised me',
his act out of my expectation & I got shocked at that moment.
*╮o(\\\ ̄▽ ̄) ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰
However, I felt super
sweet & heart beating fast for some time.
Well, this was historical moment 4myself.(disgusting rite?)
I will never 4get the happiness & great moment he acted once.
He was so wonderful for me o(≧ω≦)o

★*"`’*-.,_,.-*’`"*-.,_☆,.-*`’`*"`’*27th Nov 2010★-.,_,.-*’`"*-.,_☆,.-*`’`*-.,_,.-*`’`*★-
I have to sit on exam on the next morning so i decided to burn mid night
oil to pay out my effort to the max.
Then, he was so warm, he also stayed over night 2accompany me
although he had no exam on the following few days.
Within the studying time, he was playing guitar to reduce my
stress while I was studying.
Bcoz of U, studying became a enjoyable thing.
o(# ̄▽ ̄)==OTHX!