A place where justice hold~

Ipoh High Court ~ A place which full of memory
11 of us went trough toughness, happiness
2gather within our 1 month internship at here.
Hope our strong friendship bond will keep long lasting =)

The place that we spent the time the most~ Library of Ipoh High Court,like our 2nd home ^^

Pretend to be look alike professional legal practitioner n disguise to be knowledgeable, aha ;p

The Real case which assigned to me for 1st time in my life n v need to advocate it in front of Dato', the grand judge of this court!scared me!
Plus, i assigened the tough position as a appellant T^T...help~
The case was under KC Lai, a well established firm's partner who well done in criminal law!
The excited thing was i met him and had a nice chat with him!!he is friendly, humor and talkative+ hardworking. *salute~

Our nightmare during our internship! fortunately v r not assigned to refer all,otherwise~ X_x
Well, i can foresee my future life what it s'd be...@_@ ,oh no!
Inside chamber room b4 hearing with Syafieqa,Diana,Raymond n me ^^

A mini graduation at Ipoh High Court Chamber~
V were granted a certificate n an act book complied with signature of Dato' Zainal, the High Court judge in Ipoh..
hehe,it's priceless n valuable! im proud that v got it!
Group shooting for girls in front of Dato's name template since he was prohibited his face 2 b published to public hence this bcame our another alternative due to it.
The entire attachee were shooting at the 'prestige apprentice stair case' all of us were looked excited! our effort fruit lastly! huh~

A grand treat at McD at Bercham High way road junction from our supervisor ,Senior Assistant Registrar at Ipoh High Court as called Pn. Siti Salwa,she is our Idol xoxo~
The 1st that v had visited : Jabatan Bantuan Guaman a.k.a legal aid bereau
A place to take care of welfare for those who cant afford legal fees.
The 2nd plc that v had visited : Chemistry department of Perak branch.
This department used to be examine the evidence of cases through layers of experiments in order to assist the investigation of cases especially in criminal cases! it included forensic too.
We had fun as v can experience how was their process done, it can be said as malaysian CSI. bla~ the visit really broaden our view of mind. haha~
A visit to Malaysian Department of Insolvency (MdI) , a department specific for winding up and bankruptcy.
Mdi will be an assignee for the bankrupt.
We had a great lecture in bankruptcy at here, perhaps i can advance in this field,haha~

Tour to Syaria Court Ipoh, it was a grand treat by the officer there,jus kiddin' coz it was merely a simple High Tea but complied with nasi lemak n fried mee !x bad!

Frontier of Old Town Kopitiam Ipoh!
i must take note of it so that i won' 4get kindness of Dato' for his generous treat for various times to us. This was the 2nd time.
The First time was the breakfast session at Stadium Sultan Azlan Shah.

The last day high tea at Old Town Kopitiam of Padang Besar Ipoh be with Dato' Zainal N Tuan Teoh,2 brilliant n intelligence judges at Ipoh High Court.
hha,he treat us twice! bravo!
p/s:This also was my 1st visit2 Old Town Kopitiam...Shhh..dun laugh!
My sis, v were having our Happy hour
after all session of our internship completed absolutely!(after visit of AG chambe/jabatan DPP)
Yo!k time at Ebox!
Haha, v ate the RM9 super value pack!
4hrs k times, 1 main course meal + 1 drink. it's economy!
They ordered chicken chop rice + ice blended!

My 1st N Best Partner *Ekin Ragu*, for my 1st time of advocacy,
i wear her spec, like it so much !
she is
a super pretty gurl ,hope i can pretty as her after wear her spec,hehe
wink*im day dreaming again* ><''
v taken this 4tho while having lunch with the interpreter,En.Ahmad. He treated us Pizza hut n gifts too.v all owed him alot! THX,Sir!
The best interpreter in the world! Mr. Ahmad!
He taught us alot and willing to share too! he acted like our father, always caring us, gave us encourages n warmth within our practicum!
A million Thx 2 u, sir due to ur treat at Simpang Tiga 5star restaurant, Pizza Hut, karaoke at UO, gifts and those useful notes!!!
Plus, ur advices from ur rich experience in HC were useful indeed for our future career. I felt touched as u treat us like ur children.It means alot to us!v owed U alot!
Pn. Siti Salwa Binti Jaafar:
Mdm,u r capable otho u r young n pretty coz u sat at the high ranking jus by 20+ yrs. U really r our Idol. BTW,thx a lot for ur guidance, advices n caring too! u nvr show ur ego upon us otho u r the high post person in HC. Plus, u r friendly! V will remembered u awaz~ =)
Dato' Zainal :
Thx for giving certificate for us,taking photo with us n sign us. Of course thx 4 ur guidance & advices to us too ^^ It's my pleasure to talk with you in near distant,haha ^^
zeiferi, kak waheeda,CC:
Thx4 u all too coz willing 2 treat us as HC members!
Uitm beuties :
uuen izurenn , intan; noor asyikin;diana azwa +my batch mates:
syfieqa,ekin ,hidayah,alif,azrul,shafarin,raymond:
v went through ncc,moot4 twice, filing route trip, various tour2 jbt chemistry, syariah court, jbt dpp, insolvency department n jbt bureau guaman.v hav fun as well as v went to play bowling n eating KFC,visiting Dayah's mum, Tea time at Dato Sago 2gather. Anyway, Thx4 granting me and accompanying me for all the times. im appreciate i had went throught 4 these days.
Friendship 4eva ^^ luv u all!
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