QQ & 呗比 の里程碑 ♥✾◕‿◕✾♥


0 The non Confidential Secret Code

Secret equal to confidential information in general way.

But then, non confidential Secret Code somehow is unique language

which conducted the communication under seal between parties

as for us that might be published to the website, to Facebook,

whatever it could be.

Baby signal to me,hehe ^,^Y

+> 咱魍魉兮兮复俩仨肆伍支吾欷歔图有趣。
看呗,咱的对比 更胜依稀。细尝共同回忆。

+> 伯牙&子期 (ˇˍˇ绝弦系心弦泛无言语乃默契 - v**




thou seek for thee in day castle of thy.
thou hast illusionary thee2 ease
my excruciation ever had. that's
greek to me, et tu, deepest sory2 u
bout' dat as im intend2 cease their
torturing criticism.i know...n always..
btw, it jus ain't enough4 me2
approach2 u, i hav my own way on it:
somehow; your voice is euphony for my
ear. u understand me, i always know, u r..

veni, vidi, vici in order to renaissance de novo

''I came, I saw, I conquered to renaissance from the new''

This showing the battle against King Pharnaces II near

Zela in 47 BC in 'Julius caesar' written by Shakespeare.

I Came。I Saw。I Conquered


Language out of mainstream



: 古人版的“溺” . rén古同“仁”,仁爱;亲.

yín:古指‘光明’. jiǒng:“郁闷、悲伤、无奈”.

haha, 创意写法:只要王八入水,不要叫!


巭:'工夫'( kongbu)就是勉学。动词: (工夫)
  巭'( pu)的意思是工作人员.

 奣 wěng 天空晴朗无云.

。……【16th Jan 2011】……。

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