QQ & 呗比 の里程碑 ♥✾◕‿◕✾♥


0 Working Day

(I worked at TF Mart as a sampling promoter on behalf Anlene Products.
This time experience was worse than my last time as I was not under
self estimation since I conducted things without guidance(´ω`*)
therefore it was below my required performance standard..

the were less customer recently. By the way, I still try my best to
promote the product ヾ( ~▽~)ツ and I treated the working process
as a training for my presentation skill.. I enhanced my
pitch of my tone then strengthen my point with key words
(*・ω・)ノ゜+which comply with significant or selling point of the product.

Besides, this was my first time to promote beverageso that
I able to adjust the volume & certainty the ice quantity with standard
given from the instruction. I thought this was my first time to make
the Anlene milk with the best taste. The lesson is every thing must
follow the right and the accurate way and skill so that we can success
to utilize our ability to maximize the quality of our effort production.

I made new friends at there too ~ All of them are Q .

After such tiring standing process at the booth while working
for almost 10hours, I was exhausted,huh~ (●~▽~●)

But, my lovely sis presented me a branded VOIS whity hand bag
as my birthday present for 2011. It was touching!! She willing
to spent over RM120++ on myself, unexpectedness!
Luv U! MuacksSs~ She gave bonus for me as well! a
Winnie the Pooh Key Chain. It was adorable with mini size.
She such like the worm in my body, coz she suit into my favour very much!
OMG! I love the presents that I have received. >3<"

.I'm greedy yet I receive nothing from him, hehe.(∩。∩゛ヽ)
I wish he could give me a 1.5m bear as my gift.d(*_-_*)b
I never like such furry stuff but I changed a lot
on my taste since I met him. This is good,
at least I become more ladyヾ(*・ω・)ノ゜ or
°girlish. The one I suppose to be.(*^0゚)v

Cute Baby~
(ノ*゚ー゚)ノI want!

like the quote :
I dream that I hug the bear that u gave me
instead I hug U when u r x by my side.
After I awake, I realized
I just hug a pillow,LoL~(∩。∩゛ヽ)

They are huge,aren't they?

14th Jan 2011 。Friday

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