This weekend i went through a scary journey to back home! The story began as I was decided to go back home impromptu after Tracy offer it 2 me. The bad thing happened upon us while on the way back to Perak at High way as the car spoiled after some distance away from Juru toll. fog was coming out from the front part in front of steering inside the car with some stingy smell. Thus, v stopped the engine immediately. Unfortunately, the car locked n x able2 open!! All of us nervous and in horror. Then, v climbed out from the window to seek for help frm others. Fortunately, 2 kindness Indian youngster assisted us n called mechanical came to the scene2 help us. V nearly to b nervous shock at that moment! Huh, luckily nothing danger n harmfulness occurred on us.Thx God! The last solution was all of us sent by the High Way police / ranger to nearest toll while Tracy's car drove by 1 of the police to the toll to meet us. Then, we waited for the coming of the mechanic. The car repaired after a hour. However, v still in scary emo coz the car might burnt since the mechanic said that the car had problem with its wire where it had been burnt n melted n possibility might cause to accident of car bombed! After the repairing done, V had x other alternatives in way to get rid of the risk so v stopped for some times after certain kilometers we passed through. last but x the least, v arrived safety! As i counted the time spent for this time back home journey, v spent 9hours! the distance almost get reach Singapore! Wow~
Anyway, lets threw away those bad things. On the next day, i enjoyed family times as well ! V went to various plc2 hunt for food!My favourite!

De Garden inner building decorated wall,nice!
Our lunch were taking plc at Wong Kok, De Garden. :)

Mummy,wat u looking for?

My Lovely mum & Cute sis

The fish porridge! Slurp~
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