Our Gang ~ Hok Siong,Me,Jane Ong,Burnerd,Nee Jian & LiZhe
Group Singers~ vee~*
Nice2 Meet Jane~
After the function completed and back to hostel, I went to on9 and had a great conversation with my new making friend! V share a lot of opinions despite of recommended to each other of our favorite music! The long conversation on msn took us spent a whole long night while he was accompanying me to went through the times due to insomnia. BTW, he sent his own created sound track regards to his guitar playing and some of his production too. I'm impressed about it coz it was nice! I thought v spent 9hrs to chat. This was my 1st time log in msn after my lap-pie being formatted and b4 this msn had been left out 1.5years by me. Hopefully our friendship can be long lasting.~ ^^Y
6/8/10 Friday
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